"After a tremendous amount of research I found Logikbot is the best , no comparison."
Gilbert E.
The Certified Data Analyst Path
Only Available on LogikBot
That depends on your experience and knowledge. If you are in a career working with SQL then you are ahead of the game. If not, then a 4-6 year time line from scratch is common.
There are no refunds once the membership starts; however, you are free to end your membership at any time.
Yes. You'll have immediate access to the entire library from day one. This includes all the course for machine learning, data engineering and data analysis.
Yes. Some of the courses are the same. The overlap will be minimal and all of the advanced courses will reside on this platform.
Yes. I'll walk you through the courses you need to take and in what order I recommend you take them.
Sure. However, I don't recommend it. The skills and knowledge build from previous courses.
Yes. I'm confident you'll want to stay a member for a long time. However, you could become a member for a month or two, take the course you want and leave.
Yes. I'll ask for your feedback throughout the curriculum to see what I areas you'd like me to expand upon.
Ed Markowitz