Course curriculum

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    • Course Introduction

    • Pandas

    • What is Data Wrangling?

    • Summary

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    Pandas Dataframe Basics

    • Download Raw Titanic Data Set

    • Loading the Dataset

    • Lab: Save Existing Dataframe to CSV

    • The Shape of the Data

    • Subsetting

    • Using loc

    • Using iloc and ix

    • iloc and ix on Rows and Columns

    • Lab: Slicing Dataframes

    • The GroupBy Function

    • Group By Frequency Count

    • Lab: Grouping

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    Pandas Data Structures

    • The Series Object

    • Series Anatomy

    • Lab: Series Anatomy

    • Attributes

    • Series and ndarray Similarity

    • The Array

    • Boolean Subsetting in a Series

    • Vectorized Operations

    • Lab: Boolean and Variable Attribute Searches

    • The Replace Functions

    • Change Column Header Names

    • Sorting in a Dataframe

    • Lab: Descriptive Statistics for Pandas Dataframe

    • Reading an Excel File

    • Regular Expressions

    • Binning

    • Data Normalization

    • Lab: Normalizing Data

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    Data Assembly

    • Concatenation

    • Row Concatenation

    • Lab: Concatenation Basics

    • The Merge Join

    • The Joins

    • Lab: Using the Merge Function

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    Missing Data

    • Missing Data

    • Finding the NANS

    • Lab: Missing Data

    • Filling Index Values

    • NAN Value Differences

    • Changing Cell Values

    • Interpolation

    • Handling Duplicates

    • Mappings

    • Create a Column With a Function

    • Replace

    • Lab: Duplicate Data

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    Time Series Data

    • Time Series

    • The Time Stamp Object

    • Lab: Time Series

    • The Time Delta Object

    • The Data Time Index

    • Force a Data Conversion

    • The Frequency Parameter

    • Date Offsets

    • Anchored Offsets

    • Period Object