Course curriculum

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    • Course Introduction

    • Hello World in Matplotlib

    • Matplotlib Philosophy

    • Numpy

    • Lab: First Plot

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    Plotting in Matplotlib

    • Multiple Curves

    • Plotting from a File

    • Scatter Plots

    • Lab: Scatterplot from Pandas Dataframe

    • The Bar Chart

    • Plotting Multiple Bars

    • Stacked Bars

    • The Pie Chart

    • Histograms

    • BoxPlots

    • Lab: Plotting Multiple Box Plots

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    Chart Customization

    • Color Basics

    • Download Irix.txt

    • Scatter Plot Color Parameter

    • Lab: Scatter Plot Grey Scale From a File

    • EdgeColor Parameter

    • Adding Color to Bar Charts

    • Lab: Bar Chart on Dependent Values

    • Adding Color to a Pie Chart

    • Boxplots and Color

    • The Linestyle Parameter

    • Lab: Controlling Pattern and Fill

    • Markers

    • Custom Markers

    • Lab: Controlling Marker Frequency

    • Color Customizations

    • Saving a Graph to Disk

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    • Annotating Graphs

    • Annotating an Axes

    • Lab: Adding Text Anywhere

    • Bounded Boxes

    • Adding Arrows to a Chart

    • Lab: Adding a Grid to a Chart

    • Adding Ticks to a Chart

    • Adding Ticks (The Easy Way)

    • Lab: Labeling our Ticks

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    • Seaborn Introduction

    • Lab: Exploring Color Themes

    • Seaborn Factorplot

    • Creating a Simple Colormap

    • Plots for Different Contexts

    • Lab: Controlling Font Size

    • Core Seaborn Functions

    • Set the Axes on a Boxplot