Course curriculum

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    • Course Introduction

    • Course Overivew

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    • NLP Defined

    • ANN Architecture

    • Deep Learning Defined

    • Keras

    • Keras Model Components

    • Keras Demo Introduction

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    Data Preparation

    • Demo: Manual Tokenization

    • Demo: NTLK

    • Demo: Data Preparation in SciKit-Learn: CountVectorizer

    • Demo: Data Preparation in SciKit-Learn: TfidfVectorizer and HashVectorizer

    • Demo: Prepare Text with Keras: Part 1

    • Demo: Prepare Text with Keras: Part 2

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    • Bag-of-Words

    • Anatomy of the Bag-of-Words Model

    • Managing Vocabulary

    • Bag-of-Words Model Limitations

    • Demo: Data Preparation for Sentiment Analysis: Part 1

    • Demo: Data Preparation for Sentiment Analysis: Part 2

    • Demo: Neural Bag of Words Model: Part 1

    • Demo: Neural Bag of Words Model: Part 2

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    Word Embedding

    • Word Embedding Defined

    • Word2Vec

    • Demo: Word2Vec with Gensim

    • Demo: Visualize Word Embeddings

    • Keras Embedding Layer

    • Demo: Word Embedding in Keras

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    Text Classification

    • Deep Learning and Text Classification

    • Single Layer CNN Architecture

    • Demo: Embedding + CNN Model for Sentiment Analysis

    • Demo: Embedding + CNN Model for Sentiment Analysis: Train Embedding Layer

    • Demo: Develop Multi-Channel CNN: Part 1

    • Demo: Develop Multi-Channel CNN: Part 2

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    Language Modeling

    • Introducing Neural Language Modeling

    • Demo: Character-Based Neural Language Model: Data Preparation

    • Demo: Character-Based Neural Language Model: Train Language Model

    • Demo: Word-Based Neural Language Model: One Word In, One Word Out

    • Demo: Word-Based Neural Language Model: Line by Line Model

    • Demo: Word-Based Neural Language Model: Two-Words-In, One-Word-Out Sequence

    • Demo: Neural Language Model for Text Generation: Data Preparation

    • Demo: Neural Language Model for Text Generation: Modeling

    • Demo: Neural Language Model for Text Generation: Use Trained Model

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    Image Captioning

    • Neural Image Caption Generation Defined

    • Neural Captioning Model Anatomy

    • Neural Network Models for Caption Generation

    • VGG Model Overview

    • Demo: VGG Model in Keras

    • Demo: Prepare a Photo Caption Dataset: Part 1

    • Demo: Prepare a Photo Caption Dataset: Part 2

    • Demo: Prepare a Photo Caption Dataset: Part 3

    • Demo: Prepare a Photo Caption Dataset: Part 4

    • Demo: Prepare a Photo Caption Dataset: Part 5

    • Demo: Develop a Caption Generation Model in Keras: Part 1

    • Demo: Develop a Caption Generation Model in Keras: Part 2

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    Neural Machine Translation

    • Machine Translation Defined

    • Encoder-Decoder Recurrent Neural Network Models for Neural Machine Translation

    • Demo: Develop Neural Machine Translation Model: Part 1

    • Demo: Develop Neural Machine Translation Model: Part 2

    • Demo: Develop Neural Machine Translation Model: Part 3